
What a few of my clients are saying...


“When I enrolled in your program I was intrigued but honestly did not have high hopes. I have to tell you I'm happily surprised with the results I got.

I have been able to lose 10 pounds without going on a diet. I am thinking and eating differently now, learning to trust myself around food, and seeing the positive effects of this work in other areas of my life. I look forward to continuing to work with you.”   -KT

I have been frustrated with my weight for over 20 years.  I’m not obese, but feel I needed to lose 15-20 pounds.  Nothing was working.  I felt like I was eating well.  I went to a nutritionist who said I was doing all the right things.  My Dr said I was maybe a bit over weight, but that I needed to stop worrying and find something else to stress about.  But… I was not ok. 

Since my initial consultation with Courtney, I have lost 14 pounds!  I’m working on 5 or 6 more.  I can’t express my gratitude enough for a program that has changed my life.  I have the skills to continue to lose weight and will be forever grateful to this amazing woman.

Thanks so much!!” - BA

"Courtney, you should know how you have changed my life. I feel free from being consumed and controlled by the thought of food…..and it is amazing! I was 9 when my mother placed me on my first diet and 13 when she gave me diet pills.

Maintaining weight loss has been a life long struggle. I began this journey with you at a size 12 and am now a size 8. I have also given up alcohol!

Through you, I have learned to take that moment that lives between the desire and the choice.” -LS

“I have lost 15 pounds during your program and I want everyone to know this process has been so worth it   Your coaching of mindset has changed me to think better of myself.  I don’t think of food the same way.  I never felt deprived or restricted from any food.  Your coaching has made such a difference in all aspects my life.  You taught me so much more than I can put into words. (it would be pages long lol) 

Lastly, during our consultation you asked me if I thought I was worth the investment. This question got me started.  I don’t believe I answered at that time but, my answer is yes, I am worth the investment in myself. Thank you!” -B.H.

“I would highly recommend small group coaching with Courtney! Not only did I receive weekly one on one coaching but I also found so much value in watching the other women in the group be coached.

In addition to seeing weight loss, Courtney taught me so much about mindset and thought work that has been very effective in helping me change my habits around excessive snacking (especially at night).” -BD


“After years of ping ponging with my weight, I finally feel like I have control of my eating. I’ve lost 14 pounds and continue to lose weight. The bonus is that I feel like my whole life has changed for the better!” -MJ

“Courtney is a gem of a weight loss coach, and I can't sing her praises enough. What you hear on her podcast is exactly what you get in person – genuine, humorous, and never afraid to call you out on your B.S. Her non-judgmental approach created a safe space where I could be completely open and honest, which is crucial for effective coaching.

Thanks to her guidance, not only did I lose weight, but I also gained the tools to maintain it for life. The victories extend beyond the scale; feeling comfortable and confident in my own skin is truly invaluable. I no longer feel the urge to cover up my naked body in front of my husband & that is freedom! These newfound skills have not only transformed my relationship with food but have also empowered me to more easily tackle challenges in all aspects of my life, from relationships to professional endeavors. I've already referred friends to Courtney, and I wholeheartedly encourage anyone seeking lasting weight loss to book a consultation with her. You won't regret it!”  -CS

"We visited friends on vacation last week and I didn’t gain a pound!!! So awesome to feel like I can enjoy myself and not come home 5lb up!" -KH

"Courtney’s strategies went beyond changing how I look at food. In an even bigger way, it impacted how I look at life.

It helped me to get out of the “spin” in my head and be honest about what is really happening in a moment so I could make the best decision to help me reach my goals. Work, health, and overall happiness have all improved since working with Courtney." -TD

“I have lost weight many times before, but this time feels different, I FEEL DIFFERENT. I feel like I am on autopilot. Food is so much easier now, thank you!” -DA