Are you Ready to Lose Weight Permanently?

My next Group Coaching Program is NOW Enrolling

I have created my 3 Month Group Program for a small group of women who are ready to make permanent changes to their body and life.

My struggle was 12 pounds. I thought about my body, my weight, and food all day long.

I was in a constant war in my head about if I should lose weight, or just get over it.

Normally in the morning I was ALL IN and by 4pm I changed my mind and thought “life is too short, I should definitely eat whatever I want”.

My life was pretty great, except for how out of control I felt with food and my body.

Dieting did not work. Cutting out all flour and sugar and alcohol for a month made me feel amazing until I slowly started bringing those foods in again. And as I gained the weight back I felt shame that I had no control.

But of course I had no control, and of course I gained the weight back! Diet’s don’t work for permanent weight loss. Diets don’t teach us why we are eating when we promised we wouldn’t.

I needed to learn how to make a decision about how I was going to eat, and stick to it. And in order to do that, I needed to learn about my brain, my emotions, and understand how to follow through in the moment.

I needed to BECOME the woman who understood myself at a deep level, and felt in control around food.

I did it, and so can you.

I lost the 12 pounds years ago and have maintained my weight ever since. I don’t obsess about food and my body anymore. I feel FREEDOM. I eat really well 95% of the time. I am not perfect, and I don’t want to be. Sometimes mama wants a cookie!

Losing weight forever and living in a body you are proud of is not about eating perfectly, it’s about being willing to be radically honest with yourself and go ALL IN on up-leveling YOU.

Are you ready to learn how to lose weight permanently by eating BETTER FOREVER, moving more forever, and living a healthier life every day?

Small Group Coaching:

My next group coaching program starts October 1st.

This group is for women who want to permanently lose between 10-15 pounds (within the 3 month group time frame) and learn how to feel in control around food forever. Also, learn how to follow through and become consistent with healthy habits.

*The age range of women in the group is between 40-75....whatever stage of life you are in, you will feel seen and understood by me, as well as other women who share the same struggles and desires for their body and life.

All the Details…

You will learn how to:

Eat better forever, not just for a few days.

Make a plan and actually follow through.

Start thinking differently about what is possible for you.

Feel more confident while losing weight.

Eat well on vacations and at restaurants.

Process emotion without turning to food.

Have fun, even when you are eating better, or drinking less.

Identify your triggers and solve for them.

Get yourself to work out even when you don’t feel motivated.

"Mess up” and get back on track.

And my favorite….how to trust yourself to do what you say you will do.

Just for starters.

My group coaching program is a combination of mindset and strategy and includes:

1 private coaching call with me

12 structured group coaching calls

Thought & Food Tracking Workbook

Weekly teaching videos

The group will have an hour coaching call every Tuesday at 4pm PST. *Replays will always be emailed out.

Start date 10/1 end date 12/17.

This will be a small group of about 8-15 women.

Mindset & Strategy Teaching includes:

How to make a decision & stick to it.

My 3 Step Process to NOT Eat the food you promised you would not eat.

How to maintain your weight at social events, restaurants, and on vacation.

How to Process Emotion.

Understanding your brain and how it is wired to have you seeking pleasure constantly.

Discomfort is the path.

Your Beliefs Matter- How to Change Them.

How to Show up without Motivation.

Just for starters….

Modern Body Modern Life

Modern Body Modern Life

Client Testimonial…

“When I enrolled in your group program I was intrigued but honestly did not have high hopes.

I have to tell you, I’m happily surprised with the results I got. I have been able to lose 10 pounds without going on a diet. I am thinking and eating differently now, learning to trust myself around food, and seeing the positive effects of this work in other areas of my life. I look forward to continuing to work with you.” - K.T.

A few more thoughts from my clients...


If you are ready to feel like yourself again. To stop thinking about food and your body SO much. To make a decision and actually stick with it…..If you are ready to lose weight and have the mindset and strategy to keep the weight off, I invite you to join my next group starting October 1st. ~Courtney

Join the October 1st Group Coaching Program for $845

Private 1:1 coaching:

I do have limited space to see clients privately.

You and I will meet privately to uncover what needs to change in order for you to be in the body you desire. Calls include teaching and coaching, all focused on you becoming the woman who feels in control of food, eats better, and follows through…. forever.

This is what makes weight loss permanent.

Coaching packages are either 3 or 6 months long and are customized to each client.

Packages start at $4200.

Click below to schedule a consultation to talk with me about working together privately.